Hubli Sandbox’ Success Stories


hubliThe Hubli Sandbox Ecosystem consists of fi ve districts in Northwest Karnataka.The aim of the Sandbox is to create an environment where innovative approaches to addressing social challenges is encouraged. The Sandbox provides a place for the catalysts to test ideas, make changes and eventually develop truly scalable solutions. The ecosystem allows for sharing, networking, collaborating and deliberating ideas with other catalysts. The value of the Sandbox lies in its ability to identify synergies and explore potential collaboration among the catalyst network.

  • First producer-owned self-sustaining-Vanashree Rural Development Society (VRDS)
  • Agricultural, horticultural and forestry based farming in partnership with BAIF
  • Farm ponds for rainwater harvesting and facilitating irrigation – a Ratan Tata supported scaling programme
  • Affordable bore well recharge that reduces costs for farmers by 1/10th
  • SRI method of sustainable rice cultivation to double the crop production and federation to gather and bring fresh produce to the cities
  • First sustainable Family Health Center and Satellite Center for remote rural areas
  • A farmers market collective and federation to gather and bring fresh produce to the cities
  • A pilot science lab-in-a-box model at Agastya Foundation making it scalable, high impact model executed at under Rs 20/student
  • Reduced costs for the Sikshana Foundations public school model from Rs. 500 to under Rs. 300 per student
  • Akshaya Patra, a high profi le nonprofi t organization was adopted by the Government mid-day meal scheme in the Sandbox, ensuring scale and sustainability 15 sustainabilitynext
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