Edible Packaging From Milk


The US FDA is testing a milk protein called casein could be used in the future to develop a form of edible packaging that’s 500 times better at keeping food fresh than plastic. Plus, you could just eat it once you remove it from your meal.
To create the biodegradable packaging, scientists mixed the casein protein with water and then poured it out on a sheet where it dried into a thin, edible wrapper that’s malleable enough to be stretched across food items or used as a lid.
In addition to casein, researchers tested adding glycerol and citrus pectin to the already-formed casein film, which added both structure and softness.
This means other additives and flavors could go into forming the packaging to either enhance the food contained within, or to improve the taste of the new “plastic.” The film itself can also dissolve in water, which could mean big things for packets of soup or single-serve foods like cheese.

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