6 Indians to Reinvent Toilet With Melinda Gates Funding


Six Indian innovators were selected to contribute to the development of sanitation solutions as part of the Reinvent the Toilet Challenge: India. From a pool of 108 applications, these projects were chosen following an extensive, rigorous selection process by an expert committee.

This challenge is a collaborative effort of the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India; Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC), a Government of India Enterprise; and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to fund Indian researchers to develop innovative, safe and affordable sanitation technologies.

This program is an India-specifi c program modeled on the Gates Foundation’s global Reinvent the Toilet Challenge. The DBT and the Gates Foundation invested a combined US$2 million, equally split, to support Indian investigators to drive research, development, and production of next-generation toilets.

Eram Scientifi c Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Kerala in collaboration with University of South Florida: A fi eld trial grant to test off-grid, self-sustained, modular, electronic toilet for houses and communities with solar energy for Indian weather, integrated with mixed waste processing unit. The project will couple a modern, public toilet with an advanced onsite, biological treatment system. It will be housed in a standalone unit that will be initially fi eld tested in a suburban slum.

Amrita School of Biotechnology, Kerala: A proof of concept grants to use viral agents to target and kill pathogens and odor-producing bacteria in fecal waste and also develop for a way to integrate this into waste treatment systems. This is a proof of concept grant.

Pradin Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore: The project will test the concept of using ultra-sound to reduce water use in a toilet. It will also test the ability to enhance the settling of fecal particles in a storage tank using ultra-sound. This is a proof of concept grant.

Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee in collaboration with Fresh Rooms Life Sciences: The project will develop a single household container that will cultivate Black Soldier Fly larvae, using human faeces, which can be processed into valuable products. The project will also demonstrate the market potential for these products. This is a proof of concept grant.

Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai: The project will evaluate the concept of using fi ne sand-like material and an air blower to create a water-free toilet interface that is free from odor and flies.

gates2BITS Pilani K. K. Birla Goa Campus in collaboration with Ghent University and Sustainable Biosolutions LLP: The project will demonstrate a novel septic tank design that integrates electrochemistry to reduce organic pollutants and improve the quality of effl uent discharged. The system will be demonstrated at a single household and society/gated community. This is a proof of concept grant.

The Reinvent the Toilet Fair: India hosted approximately 700 attendees—exhibiting teams represented 15 nations and general participants represented 42 nations.

For a full list of exhibitors visit,
http://www.gatesfoundation.org/ What-We-Do/Global-Development/Reinvent-the- Toilet-Challenge.

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