World Bank Pledges 10% Emissions Reductions by 2017


The World Bank has set a new emissions reduction goal from its owned and managed facilities by 10 percent from a fiscal year 2010 baseline by fiscal year 2017. This goal, published is the second voluntary goal set by the World Bank. Its initial goal, set through the EPA’s Climate Leaders Program was to reduce emissions by 7 percent from its Washington, DC, facilities from 2006 to 2011, and was successfully achieved.

The World Bank is currently working with 130 countries helping cities to adopt green growth strategies and develop resilience to climate change, developing climate-smart agricultural practices, finding innovative ways to improve both energy efficiency and the performance of renewable energies, and assisting governments to reduce fossil fuel subsidies and put in place policies that will eventually lead to a stable price on carbon. Additionally, with its green bonds, the World Bank also helped start the development of the expanding green bond market that will support future climate finance.

The World Bank’s paper use has decreased by 49 percent since fiscal 2007, the 2013 report says. The institution says this is due in part to smarter printing practices, the increased use of digital communications, and improved efficiency efforts by the Bank Print Shop.

Also, electricity use in Washington, DC buildings decreased by more than 2 percent from fiscal year 2012 to fiscal year 2013, because of the improved operations in World Bank facilities and the installation of LED lighting in many applications, the report says.

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