SN’s 11-Point Wishlist to NDA Government

Image credit - Indiaspend

The Modi government has been too focused on green energy and electric vehicles in the last ten years. It is high time the new NDA government takes up pressing issues concerning better waste management, soil restoration, clean air and clean water. A community-led policy direction towards nature restoration and conservation is needed urgently.

A poll of SN readers has the following Wishlist for the new government. While several suggestions are on the state list, the central government can influence them with clearer policies and funding support. 

  1. Make waste a priority sector. Reduce GST from 18% to 5%
  2. Fund setting up of incinerators in 25 towns and cities.
  3. Announce landfill-free cities by 2030 and how to achieve them.
  4. Promote 10 large bio-energy plants to reduce air pollution in and around NCR region
  5. Promote more and faster trains than overly focusing on building more highways
  6. Big priority with funding support for clean air in cities and towns 
  7. Big priority for improving soil quality. It is currently at a dangerously low level.
  8. Make water and electricity meters compulsory everywhere – savings are huge
  9. Promote water transport along the coast that can run on green energy
  10. Introduce environmental studies in school textbooks from class 5. 
  11. Support green and clean tech startups with generous funding support. 
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