Lucy and the Train: Tryst with Sustainability


Lucy and the Train is a journey of the self that leads to sustainability. Narrating the conflict within self, surroundings, and imagination, it captures the symbolism expressed by René Descartes through his words “I think therefore I am”. The story takes the reader on a surreal journey of sustainability by weaving a complex yet beautiful tapestry of human mind, relationships, and environment.

Lucy boards a train after drinking a magic potion. But she is destined for the journey even before her birth. Every compartment poses a new challenge and an impending threat to the survival of life on Earth. Life is possible, only if she successfully reaches the first compartment and overcomes her nemesis. In this journey, Lucy has to surpass innumerable obstacles and when she finally meets…it is for her to decide the future of humanity!

Anandajit Goswami is a Fellow with the Green Growth and Resource Effi ciency Division of  The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), Associate Faculty with Department of Policy Studies, TERI University and has been working with TERI since 2004.

He has co-authored a book titled “Sustainability Science for Social, Economic and Environmental Development” and has co-edited a title – “Economic Modelling, Analysis and Policy for Sustainability”

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