Resilience Is Becoming Sustainability Strategy


GreenBiz’s State of Green Business 2017 reviews trends in sustainability performance over the last five years for the largest 500 companies in
the United States, as well as the largest 1,200 companies globally. The
report titled  ‘Two Steps Forward – The State of Green Business, 2017’ identifies the top 10 sustainable business trends this year, which include the following:

  1. The Blockchain supports sustainability
  2. Advanced materials adapt to a circular world
  3. SDGs become a business strategy
  4. Unlimited water becomes a goal
  5. Corporate clean energy grows
  6. Environmental performance becomes a fiduciary responsibility
  7. Companies put their money where their suppliers are
  8. Mobility drives a new transportation paradigm
  9. Sustainable storytelling adopts new means and memes
  10. Resilience becomes a sustainability strategy

Top insights

“Companies and markets dislike uncertainty, of course, so the coming year or two may see head-snapping policy shifts as the public and private sector grapple with two seemingly unstoppable forces: the political momentum of an increasingly nationalist and protectionist world, and the wrath of a changing climate on a civilization ill-prepared to cope. Which force will dominate is anyone’s guess.”

“Leading edge companies are embracing “net-positive” strategies, where buildings, factories and supply chains create more beneficial impacts than negative ones.”

“Corporate clean power continues to ramp, with prices ever dropping and efficiency steadily growing. Cities and regions are accelerating their quest to become greener and more resilient, luring corporations to relocate there amid transit hubs and culture centers. All of which provide a powerful bulwark against those seeking to slow or reverse progress in sustainability.”

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