David Gottfried: How He Made Green Building Movement a Global Force

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Yes, it is possible. History shows that it’s usually one man, a group or an organization’s passion and drive that have made the world a better place, not the mob. While the eco or environment movements may not have a single godfather, the green building movement certainly does.

David Gottfried is considered the undisputed father of the global green building movement. His memoir – Explosion Green: One Man’s Journey To Green The World’s Largest Industry says it all.

Gottfried’s peers say he not only accelerated the cause with contagious passion, he also provides a clear path towards delivering the transformational change. His work has been instrumental in connecting the market place to game-changing products.

He set up the World Green Building Council, the U.S. Green Building Council and also the China Green Building Council. The councils function in 100 countries. They are said to have done more for carbon mitigation than any other organization. Gottfried’s other books include Greed to Green (2004), and Greening My Life (2010).

Gottfried’s work tenure includes real estate development, construction management, building ownership and property management, strategic consulting, network management and venture start-ups. He earned his degree in Engineering Management from Stanford University, where he serves as a regular lecturer. He recently expanded his creativity into modern art painting.

Explosion Green tells the twentyyear story of the global green building movement through the eyes of David Gottfried, the man who helped start it all. It reveals the inner workings of the building industry as it comes to grips with the need for environmentally friendly practices. It describes how the industry has evolved, and how this evolution has helped fight climate change and prevent further damage to the environment while creating a multibillion-dollar industry.

explosionIt’s full of his unique insight and self-deprecating humor. Explosion Green has already won three 2014 Indie Book Awards: Second Place Grand Prize for Non-fiction, Business Category, and Memoir Category.

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