Waste to Resource in 24 Hours


Stone India, belonging to Duncan Goenka group, got into aerobic biological toilets and is already making a big impact. It has 1500 installations around India and hopes to increase that number multifold soon.

Aerobic biological toilets convert human waste into neutral water through multi strain aerobic bacteria culture in a multi chamber bio digester tank. The project is funded and approved by Ministry of Science and Technology, and featured on the websites of Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation and Ministry of Urban Development and CII for SWACG BHARAT ABHIYAN, especially for schools, community toilets and slums.

It does not need any of site processing nor needs to dump any waste and does not infi ltrate adjacent soil.

• Odor control measures: Bio deodizer is used if required

• Capital cost: $650 to $1950 depending on the type of model

• Life expectancy: 20-25 years

• Daily user cost: $0.003/user/day

• Energy required: nothing


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