Editorial Guidelines

The content for SN is largely contributed by professionals pro bono since the emagazine is an advocasy platform. 

  1. The article/commentary/post should be on a fresh idea/topic or a critique of an established idea on sustainability and all sectors connected with it – like climate change, ecology, water, green energy, green products, green entrepreneurship, development, diversity, inclusion, poverty, conscious capitalism, governance, green leaderships, activism etc.
  2. It could be a commentary on findings of research reports or books
  3. Book Reviews 
  4. Interesting stories on new products/solutions/ that addresses large problems. 
  5. Should be based on hard data and analysis
  6. Critical articles should back arguments with data and facts 


  1. Easy, conversational, even simple collection of points is good. 
  2. About 1000 words 

Submit to benedict@managementnext.com
Landline – 80 41126557