All Street Lights in India to be LED in 2 Years


The Government of India announced its plan to replace all street lights of the country with LED bulbs in next 24 months. This is in line with the Ministry’s motto of providing energy efficiency and dependable energy in the country. Under Domestic Efficient Lighting Programme efforts are being made to replace all domestic bulbs into LED said Piyush Goyal, Union Minister of State (IC) for Power, Coal and Renewable Energy.

Does the government have a plan on how to dispose of the old bulbs? How much power would the system
save with this exercise? What is the investment needed for it and who is paying for it?

Solar Power Targets

The minister said India has the target of producing 1,75,000 MW and renewable energy in next fi ve years. The government also launched Solar Mission to generate 1 lakh MW solar power in the country. Similarly wind mission targeted at 75,000 MW power generations.

The government has taken this program as nation’s mission. 125 crore people of India should work as
‘Team India’ in making this programme as a reality the minister said.

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