Not in My Backyard: Status of Solid Waste Management in Indian Cities


What direction should waste management take in North East India? What does the future hold in store? Are landfills the answer? Is Waste-to-energy technology still a good bet? Why segregation is the key? These are some of the questions that come to our minds when thinking about the fragile ecosystem of North East India.
Of the 14 cities, that CSE rated, we have rated Aizawl, Agartala and Gangtok from North-East.
The system for rating cities was to determine who is the cleanest of them all in terms of solid
waste management. It is clear that cities that are segregating their waste have been able to
effectively process and treat it and have achieved the status of zero landfi ll cities. While, some
cities are doing – part segregation and part treatment. And then, there are a few cities, that are
visibly clean but dumping their waste.
Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), New Delhi is releasing its book ‘Not in My Backyard:
Status of Solid Waste Management in Indian Cities’ in Guwahati, Assam. The book release
shall be followed by a discussion with municipal commissioners, regulators, urban planners,
consultants and NGOs on the need to have zero landfi ll cities across North East India.

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