37 Mango Varieties in One Orchard


Inami Bagh, a more than 100-year-old mango orchard in village Bassi Umar Khan of Hoshiarpur district, has 37 rare native varieties of the king of fruits, the mango. The orchard, with over 165 trees spread over a 10 acre plot of land, will be declared as a national biodiversity heritage site. It will be the first national biodiversity heritage site of Punjab.

The government will provide the Punjab Bio-diversity Board a grant of 2 crore for the acquisition of land for the heritage site and its preservation. The Board will conduct a physio-chemical study on the mango varieties. A biodiversity management committee, comprising local stakeholders, shall be constituted to preserve the Inami Bagh. The bio-diversity heritage site will not only help maintain the rich bio-diversity of the state but will also be a tourist attraction.

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