MicroX Labs Wins Tata Social Enterprise Award


MicroX Labs has developped a technology to count the blood cells. The solution is based on upcoming technology of ‘Lab on Chip’ and MEMS (Micro electro mechanical systems) which miniaturizes the instrument to less than 2Kgs. This brings down the fi xed price of the instrument to less than `12,000 and operating price of cartridges to less than `20. All the reagents are pre-loaded in the cartridge itself making it easy to use with only 2uL of blood. Such instrument will give 14 parameter reports in under 1 minute.

Owing to ease of use, portability and low cost such device will be a boon to the rural healthcare and can be used at point of care also.

TATA Social Enterprise Challenge, a joint initiative by the Tata Group and the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, is a national level challenge to fi nd India’s most promising social enterprises.

Having grown up in a family of doctors, Prakhar Jain never felt the need to visit a hospital for consultations. He did not study medicine, but always wanted to contribute to the fi eld. His dream took shape when he met Usama Abbasi and Prabhat Kumar, and founded MicroXlabs in early 2013, under the guidance of professor V. Kumaran from the department of chemical engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

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