Business Sustainability


Business Sustainability

Performance, Compliance, Accountability and Integrated Reporting

By Zabihollah Rezaee, October 2015, Greenleaf Publishing

Business sustainability has advanced from greenwashing and branding to being a business imperative. Stakeholders – including shareholders – demand, regulators require, and companies now need to report their sustainability performance. No longer is this a choice for businesses. A decade ago, fewer than 50 companies released sustainability reports, and now more 8,000 global public companies disclose sustainability performance information on some or all five economic, governance, social, ethical, and environmental (EGSEE) dimensions of sustainability performance, and this trend is expected to continue. Indeed, more than 6,000 European public companies would be required to disclose their environmental, social, governance and diversity information for their 2017 reporting year. However, the proper determination of sustainability performance, accurate and reliable reporting and independent assurance of sustainability information remain major challenges for organizations of all types and sizes.


Through reading this book, you will:

  • Identify sustainability strategies to create innovation in new products, services, energy-efficiency, environmental facilities and green initiatives.
  • Understand the role and responsibilities of all participants in the corporate reporting process, including directors, officers, internal auditors, external auditors, legal counsel, and investors.
  • See ways to improve public trust, investor confidence, business reputation, employee satisfaction, corporate culture, social responsibility and environmental performance.
  • Learn all five economic, governance, social, ethical and environmental (EGSEE) dimensions of sustainability performance separately and their integrated and interactive effects on achieving the goal of creating sustainable value for all stakeholders, including shareholders.
  • Learn how to adopt best practices in sustainability development and performance, and deliver effective integrated sustainability reporting and assurance.


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