Now Buy Green Power Online

Founders: Vaibhav Nuwal and Vishal Pandya
Founders: Vaibhav Nuwal and Vishal Pandya

REConnect Energy Solutions, a Bengaluru based renewable energy consultancy and sourcing firm, launched an online market place for power consumers and generators to buy and sell green electricity a few weeks ago. The marketplace is called

The market place enables open access to customers to explore options to buy green electricity from various energy generators by monitoring real-time deals. “In the renewable energy sector especially, buying power through open access, has been happening through brokers and other intermediaries. This platform is an attempt to organize the sector, while keeping transactions from generators and buyers transparent,” Vishal Pandya told The Economic Times. Vishal started REConnect five years back with Vibhav Nuwal.

REConnect Energy is a trading venture in the area of Renewable Energy Certificate (REC)/ Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO), Energy Portfolio Management & Wind Forecasting and Scheduling. With 36% market share and more than 400 projects over 16 states amounting to 4 GW in renewable energy, it is the largest REC trading
company in India. The company says it has a “the most transparent bidding process which helps clients in taking informed decisions.”
ReConnect Energy has taken upon itself the mandate of promoting sustainable green energy in India. “To ease out the complex nature of bilateral power trade in India, we have built an online trading platform that facilitates RE bilateral transactions, with major focus on effi ciency, information, transparency, customization and security,” a company note said. and

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