Tata Steel’s Sukinda Mine Bags Many Awards

sukinda mine

Tata Steel’s Sukinda Chromite Mine (SCM), located in Odisha’s Jajpur district, has won the ‘CII ITC Sustainability Award 2015’ for excellence in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and ‘CII Industrial Innovation Award 2015’.

Instituted in 2006, the CII-ITC Sustainability Awards recognize and reward excellence in businesses that seek ways to be more sustainable and inclusive in their activities. This award is a part of the continued efforts of Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development (CESD) to create awareness on sustainability practices and to create capacities in business.

Sukinda Chromite Mine of Tata Steel received this award for significant contribution towards inclusive growth in its area of operation. The Company has been working for the overall development of people in the field of health, education, livelihood, women empowerment, sports and rural infrastructure around its operation in Sukinda.

Similarly, the company won CII Industrial Innovation Award 2015 as one of the Top 25 innovative organizations during CII Innovation & Entrepreneurship Summit- 2015 for innovation effort in the areas of mines safety, energy conservation and product quality by creating a culture of innovation.

The mine had earlier won Asian CSR Leadership Award in September 2014, Energy Excellence Award in December 2014 by Union Ministry of Power and CII Energy Excellence Award in September 2015.

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