Energy Efficiency


By Steven Fawkes Gower Publications, 2013

Energy risk has reappeared on the corporate and social agenda with a bang and the complexity of the issues has increased many-fold since the days of the last great wave of concern following the oil crises of the 1970s. Steven Fawkes’ Energy Efficiency is a comprehensive guide for managers and policy-makers to the fundamental questions underpinning energy-efficiency and our responses to it. The result is the most comprehensive review to-date of the barriers and opportunities associated with improving energy efficiency. Clearly written and erudite, Steven Fawkes addresses every aspect of energy efficiency, including the huge and vitally important untapped potential offered by effective energy management and the application of existing technology. He also identifies barriers, such as the rebound effect and how they can be mitigated and he provides a comprehensive review of innovative energy efficiency financing options. This book is a ‘must read’ for anyone with an interest in energy supply and demand reduction.

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