The Fourth Industrial Revolution


When the author is such a big name, as someone who has led the World Economic Forum, one’s expectation from the book will be lofty. He has brought together important technology changes that appear to be imminent in the next decade in one place and assessing their potential positive and negative impacts is great food for thought.

This book is probably intended for political decision makers in order to provide a heads-up for what lies ahead. Anyone who wonders whether their job could be at risk or whether their children are pursuing the right occupation should read this.

Some reviewers feel the book’s focus on challenges that developing countries would face is weak.

As a summary of the techno-driven changes to come, ‘the book is indeed serviceable.’ A reviewer believes “he (the author) must surely have had a higher ambition than that. In the complexity-rapids of the fourth revolution, we do indeed need some pretty rugged intellectual helmsmanship. This book is not close to being on point.”

Professor Klaus Schwab is founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. In 1998, he created the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, which seeks to identify, recognize and disseminate initiatives in social entrepreneurship that have the potential to be replicated on a global scale.

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