Connected World: From Automated World to Virtual Wars; The Future by those Who are Shaping It


Want to know what your life, digital and otherwise, will be like in ten years? Philip Larrey, Ph.D., is a Catholic priest who holds the Chair of Logic and Epistemology at the Pontifical Lateran University in the Vatican. His publications deal with the philosophy of knowledge and critical thinking and his most recent work, in Italian, Futuro ignoto, focused on the impact of the new digital era
on society.

For years he has been following the philosophical implications of the rapid development of artificial intelligence. With candour, he challenges industry leaders he comes into contact with at the Vatican to discuss how technology is shaping the fabric of our society. His new book, Connected World, represents some of the fruits of
those dialogues.

The people with whom the author has interacted are by far the thought leaders in their fields. So the book is a good primer to get a hang of what to expect.

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