“Glimpses of Initiatives taken for Elephant Conservation in India (2012-2017) based on Parliamentary Questions and Replies”


Main purpose of this compiled report on Elephant Conservation in India is to highlight the issues related to protection of elephants within corridors & habitation, census trend and Legislations, regulations amended to conserve elephants formulated in India by Government of India discussed in both houses of Parliament.

Report consists such concerns of elephant protection starts with Centrally sponsored Scheme ‘Project Elephant ‘launched in 1992 by Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, GoI to provide financial and

technical support of wildlife management efforts by states for their free

ranging populations of wild Elephants and monitoring against poaching. National Elephant Conservation Authority (NECA) is created under Project Elephant. Ministry of Railways have been developed various measures and steps jointly with

Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change to protect elephants from getting hit, trapped and killed by railway tracks. Elephant corridors have been identified with the help of The Elephant Task Force Report, 2010 “Gajah” and State Forest Departments of elephant range states and till date total no. of 100

elephant corridors have been identified in the country. Many steps have been undertaken by GoI to protect corridors of elephants.

All India Synchronized Elephant Population Estimation, 2017 is under process and from 1993 (25569 elephants) to 2012 (30711 elephants) increasing population of elephants have been estimated.


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