India’s Highest Medical Camp



Indranil Banerjee, senior manager, HR at WBSEDCL (West Bengal power company) reports about his company’s efforts to reach the remotest areas to provide medical aid. Seen in the picutre is a medical camp in a primary school at Upper Srikhola, Darjeeling at a height of 2,800 m above sea level. The place also happens to be the highest polling booth of an eastern Indian state with 841 odd voters inhabited by hill tribes like Lepchas, Sherpas, Tamangs and Limbus.

With no roads, electricity, drinking water or health centre, reaching the spot involved an 11-km stiff climb. The CSR implementing team was accompanied by ponies
for carrying medicines and equipment.


Contributed by
Indranil Banerjee, indranil banerjee
Senior Manager / HR WBSEDCL

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