28% Consumers Punish Companies for Bad Behavior


Recently BBMG, New York-based brand consulting firm and a founding member of B Corp, asked 16,000 people globally — across 16 countries, in many languages, in rural and urban areas — about their aspirations for their lives, families and communities. “While the dominant narrative in culture today is that we’re deeply divided — culturally, politically, economically — reading the answers from people across the globe we were reminded that we all share the same aspirations for health, wellbeing, financial security, meaningful relationships and a sense of purpose.”


  • In 2017, net trust in global companies to act in the best interest of society is negative.
  • And while two-thirds (65%) of consumers want to support companies with a strong purpose, less than half (45%) can name a single company that makes “a positive difference in society through its products, services and operations.”
  • 28% of consumers punished companies for their behavior, up 9% from 2013, 26% rewarded companies for their good behavior.
  • Consumers are feeling less empowered to influence corporate behavior.

For full report – http://bbmg.com/brand-purpose-in-divided-times/

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