
3M signed a new partnership with Clean Air Asia. It will collaborate with the international non-governmental organization on science-based air quality solutions for New Delhi, India, and Metro Manila, Philippines. This partnership aims to create healthier, more livable cities in Asia, and will ultimately advance the Clean Air Initiative announced by UN Secretary-General António Guterres in July 2019.

To move toward this goal, 3M said it will spend the next five years assisting Clean Air Asia in its efforts to assess baseline air quality conditions, design capacity-building programs for air quality management, implement awareness and education campaigns, develop Clean Air Action Plans with selected city and district governments, and measure the resulting impact on air pollution levels.

“Air pollution is a significant known health risk across the globe,” said Gayle Schueller, 3M Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer. “We are eager to partner with the Clean Air Asia team and share our expertise, so that we may continue addressing the negative impacts of climate change with science-based solutions.”

According to the World Health Organization, air pollution causes 7 million premature deaths each year. India is also struggling with poor air quality nationwide. According to the WHO in 2016, 14 of the 20 most-polluted cities in the world were in India, and 900,000 premature deaths were attributed to poor air quality. New Delhi’s sources of air pollution include industrial facilities, vehicles, road dust and domestic cooking.

3M said it is committed to a science-based, collaborative approach to solving shared global challenges and improving lives.

Clean Air Asia is leading the regional mission for better air quality, and healthier, more livable cities throughout Asia.

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