The Responsible Investor Handbook Mobilizing Workers’ Capital for a Sustainable World


ut, what constitutes responsible investment, and how can it be undertaken in practice?
What is the impact of responsible investment strategies on investment performance?
How can trustees, managers and advisors implement these strategies in line with their
fi duciary responsibilities? How can plan trustees and staff members convince all stakeholders
of the need to invest in resilient growth?
The Responsible Investor Handbook, commissioned by the AFL-CIO and global progressive
investors, is a lay-friendly “how-to” manual, sharing the best in responsible investment practice
with capital stewards and other policy leaders who want to do the right thing with our
common wealth.
This invaluable toolkit enables readers to:
• Understand the pioneering role of workers’ capital in building infrastructure and vital services
• Devise a responsible investment strategy
• Select and monitor service providers
• Bring on board stakeholders with confl icting interests
• Avoid short-termism

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