Apply for Small Grants at Bengaluru Sustainability Forum


The Bengaluru Sustainability Forum (BSF) has called for grant proposals around the issues of urban water, urban biodiversity, urban climate change or the linkages between them. It is desirable for the project to keep Bengaluru and its peri-urban areas in mind, however, other projects that can be applied to mega cities in general will also be considered. 

The BSF is an inter-institutional collaborative initiative to address issues relating to long-term sustainability of urban and peri-urban landscapes, focusing on public goods, including water, air and soil, amongst others. The primary objective of the forum, which consists of both academic institutions and practitioners, is to provide a platform that integrates various perspectives, approaches and areas of expertise to examine issues of long-term urban sustainability. The small grants program is aimed at providing seed funding for some of the projects, perspectives and approaches that align with the BSF mandate.

Grant specifics

  • Funding period is up to 12 months
  • The maximum amount granted per proposal is 5 Lakh INR
  • 3 grants are available to be awarded in this call
  • Shortlisted applicants will be called in for a pitch session on January 26th for the final selection


  • We are looking forward to proposals from individuals/ institutions/organizations working in the areas of urban water, urban biodiversity, urban climate change or connected to them.
  • The proposed project must involve at least two individuals/parties/organizations, in accordance with the BSF’s objective of a collaborative or integrative approach.
  • The project proposal should ideally have a direct connection to Bengaluru or its peri-urban spaces. However, proposals in the urban context which (theoretically) can be applied to Bengaluru or other megacities are also considered.
  • Proposals for projects which might not directly fall under the specified areas, but are able to establish logical connections with (at least) one of them can be taken under consideration.
  • Examples of appropriate activities for these grants include documentation, data collection, research, outreach and communication, training, workshops, citizen science and citizen engagement etc.

Submit it as a single file pdf to 

Last Date for Submission – 31 December 2019.

Wipro Urban Ecology Small Grants Program

You might also be interested in the Wipro Urban Ecology Small Grants Program which is now open. The themes are Water and Solid Waste in Bengaluru. This grant will be specifically focussed on on-ground implementation of projects and ideas. Additional information is available at the following links (the sub-grant pages have details of the call) and in the attached posters.

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