Everything Everywhere All at Once

Image Source – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bulhsb4IZFQ

The United Nations would have struggled to convey the latest IPCC’s findings to the world without the help of this 2023 Oscar-winning movie title. Speaking after the release of the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report late March 2023, the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres stressed that the climate time bomb can be diffused only if all the governments, businesses, communities and citizens work in tandem within a strict time frame.

Watch the video here.

It is not doom’s day yet. It is possible, to use the title of Paul Hawken’s book ‘Drawdown,’ to contain and even reverse global warming in one generation. The latest IPCC report is a how-to guide to defuse the alarming climate crisis. It is, the UN Secretary General calls, “A survival guide for humanity.” 

The IPCC report shows how the 1.5-degree limit is achievable. “But it will take a quantum leap in climate action.” The report is a clarion call to massively fast-track climate efforts by every country and every sector and on a timeframe. He said, “In short, our world needs climate action on all fronts — everything, everywhere, all at once.” 

At the recent G20 summit, the Mr. Guterres proposed a ‘Climate Solidarity Pact’ in which all big emitters make extra efforts to cut emissions, and wealthier countries mobilize financial and technical resources to support emerging economies in a common effort to keep 1.5 degrees alive.”  

“Today, I am presenting a plan to super-charge efforts to achieve this Climate Solidarity Pact through an all-hands-on-deck Acceleration Agenda. It starts with parties immediately hitting the fast-forward button on their net zero deadlines to get to global net zero by 2050. 

Bold Action Plan

  • No new coal and phase out coal by 2030 in OECD countries, and by 2040 in all other countries.
  • End all international public and private funding of coal.
  • Ensure net zero electricity generation by 2035 for all developed countries and 2040 for the rest of the world.
  • Cease all licensing or funding of new oil and gas – consistent with the findings of the International Energy Agency.
  • Stop any expansion of existing oil and gas reserves.
  • Shift subsidies from fossil fuels to a just energy transition.
  • Establish a global phase down of existing oil and gas production compatible with the 2050 global net zero target.

The Secretary General called on CEOs of all oil and gas companies to be part of the solution.

Safeguard Vulnerable Communities

Mr. Guterres emphasized that, “We must also speed-up efforts to deliver climate justice to those on the frontlines of many crises – none of them they caused.” We can do this by:

  • Safeguarding the most vulnerable communities and scaling up finance and capacities for adaptation and loss and damage.
  • Promoting reforms to ensure Multilateral Development Banks provide more grants and concessional loans and fully mobilize private finance.
  • Delivering on the financial commitments made in Copenhagen, Paris and Glasgow.
  • Replenishing the Green Climate Fund this year and developing a roadmap to double adaptation finance before 2025.
  • Protecting everyone with early warning systems against natural disasters in four years.

“The longer we wait on any of these crucial issues, the harder it will become. Partial pledges won’t cut it,” he warned.

The UN chief ended his post-report speech on an optimistic note. “We have never been better equipped to solve the climate challenge – but we must move into warp speed climate action now. We don’t have a moment to lose.”


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