IEEE’s 2016 Energy Trends


The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) released its technology predictions from their experts for the year 2016. Here are the highlights:

• Newer and more efficient ways to consume energy using renewables sources as well as energy efficiency.

• Extensive use of smart-grids and technologies that improve resilience and reliability while assimilating clean energy resources. IEEE adds that 2016 will witness an increased share of technological innovation in the energy sector with a focus on ‘global clean energy.

• Greater integration of smart grids with renewable power sources such as wind and solar energy.

• Integration of renewable energy into the smart grid, powered by innovative technology solutions for energy storage will be fundamental in addressing these challenges and achieving greater degrees of reliability and consistency in delivery.

• We will see more distribution, automation and renewable integration onto the smart grid. Around 13 percent of India’s generation is already from renewable energy. With a large boost in the solar power installations happening in North India, India will be a powerhouse in the field of renewable energy.

• Yet another trend that will surface in 2016 is more consumer interface of electronic vehicles.

Energy applications of IoT. The power sector is already witnessing real-time deployment of IoT with a few production and distribution companies adopting smart grid technology to manage supply and demand and also study customers’ power usage behavior. A few companies in the Indian oil and gas industry have also initiated IoT pilot projects for cost-effective remote monitoring and maintenance of pipeline networks. The impetus is real and I see 2016 as the year when IoT will move beyond hype to being visible in all of our lives.

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