IIMB, Annamalai get funds for research


In a continuation of the educational partnership between India and the United States, the State Department announced eight institutional partnership projects for the second round of Obama-Singh 21st Century Knowledge Initiative awards. This initiative is meant to strengthen collaboration and build partnerships between American and Indian institutions of higher education in priority fields.

Each project will receive an award of approximately $250,000 that can be utilized over a three year period, with the objectives of cultivating educational reform, fostering economic growth, generating shared knowledge to address global challenges, and developing junior faculty at Indian and American institutions of higher learning.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President Barack Obama announced the Obama-Singh Initiative in November 2009 with government pledging $5 million.

U.S.-led Partnerships

Harvard School of Public Health
Harvard-India Nutrition Initiative
Partner Institution: St. Johns Research Institute, Bangalore

Ohio State University
The STEM Faculty Project: Training the Next Generation of STEM
Faculty at Higher Education Institutions in India
Partner Institution: Aligarh Muslim University

University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Inclusive Universities: Linking Diversity,
Equity and Excellence for the 21st Century
Partner Institution: University of Pune

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Advancing Sustainability Research and Education in India
Partner Institution: Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore

Indian-led Partnerships

Annamalai University
Tamil Nadu Energy Futures: Mapping Uncertainties and Risks
Partner Institutions: Tennessee Technological University

Assam Agricultural University
Engineering ADP – Glucose Pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) enzymes for heat tolerance in rice
Partner Institution: Washington State University

Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women
A Sustainable ‘Response to Intervention’ model for successful inclusion of children with disabilities –A India-US Partnership
Partner Institution: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

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