Implementing Triple Bottom Line Sustainability into Global Supply Chains

Implementing Triple Bottom Line Sustainability

The global sustainability challenge is urgent, tremendous and increasing. From an
ecological perspective, the current worldwide resource footprint requires approximately
1.5 planets to sustain existing life, while the social impact of ever-growing resource
use disproportionately affects the world’s poor – the 3 billion people living on less than $2.50
a day, as they struggle to acquire what is needed to survive. The serious ecological and
social challenges we face in trying to establish global sustainable supply chains must not be
underestimated, yet so far research has largely ignored the social dimension in favour of the
environmental and economic.

So how can we develop business strategies that move away from a primary economic focus
and give equal weight to people, planet and profi t? How can we create sustainable supply
chains that take a true triple-bottom-line approach?

Implementing Triple Bottom Line Sustainability into Global Supply Chains features innovative
research, highlighting new cases, approaches and concepts in how to successfully implement
sustainability – covering economic, ecological and social dimensions – into global supply
chains. This book is a must-read for any academic researching in sustainable supply chain
management, procurement or business strategy, and for business leaders seeking cases that
will inform a critical step forward for CSR programmes.

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