Making Sustainability Work


By John Elkington (Foreword), Herman B. Leonard (Foreword), Marc J. Epstein (Author), Adriana Rejc (Author)
Greenleaf Publishing; 2014

The best practices in corporate sustainability performance are no longer the exclusive domain of companies like Ben & Jerry’s or The Body Shop, as they were a decade ago; now, large, multinational companies like G.E. and Wal-Mart are leading the way with significant financial and organizational commitments to social and environmental issues. However, good intentions aren’t enough.

Whether motivated by concern for society and the environment, government regulation, stakeholder pressures, or economic profit, managers and strategists need to continue making significant changes to more effectively manage their social, economic, and environmental impacts – and to remain competitive. With a growing number of corporate leaders asking for urgent help in “getting this done,” the timing of the updated edition of this landmark book could not be better.

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