Marico shortlists 8 for social innovation acceleration program


Marico Innovation Foundation has announced eight new finalists for its Social Innovation Acceleration Program, 2013. The finalists include Accion India, CLT India, Envirofit, Eram Scientific Solutions, Aglakadam, Safe Harvest, Sugha Vazhvu Healthcare and Society for Technology & Action for Rural Advancement (TARA). These will receive highly customized and facilitated acceleration support through their knowledge partner Innovation Alchemy over the next 24 months.

Marico Innovation Foundation (MIF), was formed in 2003 with the objective of fueling innovation in India. The Foundation instituted the biennial ‘Innovation for India Awards’ in 2006. This platform recognizes breakthrough Indian innovations that have positively influenced lives. The tally of award-winning innovators is now 41. The Marico Innovation Foundation is steered by an eminent governing council chaired by Dr R A Mashelkar, National Research Professor, and former head of National Chemical Laboratories.

Its Social Innovation Acceleration program, launched in 2010, provides customized capacity building, strategic advisory support and acceleration facilitation over an 18- 24 month period, for organizations working on innovative social enterprise models and seeking to scale the impact of their work.

Its research efforts yielded a bestseller publication – “Making Breakthrough Innovation Happen: 11 Indians who Pulled off the Impossible.” The Foundation has also recently launched a quarterly magazine “Innowin”- India’s first publication dedicated to innovation to continuously generate and disseminate knowledge on Innovation.


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