Mayors To Go To Malaysia to Learn About Clean Cities


The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) in partnership of Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM), Ministry of Urban Development and National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG), Ministry of Water Resources for River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Government of India are supporting the “Capacity Building Initiative on Citywide Sanitation for Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in the Ganga Basin”. It is taking a delegation to Malaysia in February 6-9, 2017.

Acknowledging the lack of skilled man power and capacities in urban local bodies, an international field exposure visit to Malaysia is being designed in order to further enhance the knowledge, skills and attitude of city officials for the mainstreaming of reforms and best management practices of septage/faecal sludge management.

Malaysia has successfully developed policies and implemented best management practices for effective septage management. This offers a great learning experience for Indian cities that face similar challenges. CSE in partnership with National Sewerage Company, Malaysia (Indah Water Konsortium) a wholly government company responsible for planning, designing and successful implementation of septage management in Malaysia. This international exposure visit is a prequel to the third handholding training on CSP preparation. Participants will be provided the opportunity to witness and gain exposure to the BMPs of septage / faecal sludge management in Malaysia. The objective is to:

  • To provide the opportunity to interact and gain exposure through beneficiaries and implementers of projects / BMPs implemented in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • To get exposure on the techno-economic feasibility for planning, designing and implementing BMPs for sustainable septage / faecal sludge management.
  • To show cost effective, natural and successfully implemented projects in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia- across different scales.

Even Municipal Commissioner /Senior Official (Alumni) of target cities and State Special Secretary / Nodal Officer could go along with the mayors.


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