NGOs Supporting Toilet Movement



Arghyam grants funds to organisations, which implement and manage groundwater and sanitation projects in India. Arghyam has made grants to recipients in 22 states of India since 2005, the year of its founding.


Works in both rural and urban areas for providing bio digester based toilets and changing rooms for women. For corporates, it offers environmental services which are covered under clause 135, of companies act, 2013. These include toilets with and without bio digester, bio gas plant for kitchen waste, toilets for schools, public toilets and community toilets.

Paryavaran Solutions

Is engaged in manufacturing and supplying an extensive range of portable toilets. It uses hardwearing materials for fabricating these products, which is transformed by high-tech production systems. These systems are combined with an engineering project, which aims to reduce toilet maintenance, increase safety and generate a good price-quality ratio for the operator.

Watsan Envirotech Pvt. Ltd.

Watsan Envirotech was started with an objective of harnessing technology to make affordable solutions for providing clean drinking water and sanitation. Since 2009, it has been focusing on building up a low cost, power free, maintenance free NGOs Supporting Toilet Movement water fi lter and have been successful in making inroads by providing the fi lters to thousands of people. pvt-ltd/#sthash.VtOu1ibr.dpuf

Gramalaya Gramalaya

was established in 1987 with a group of committed youths in the fi eld of rural development. It has been operating in Thottiyam and Thathaiengarpet and Thuraiyur Block in the rural areas and in the slums of Tiruchirappalli City Corporation in Tiruchirappalli District.

Wockhardt Foundation

Wockhardt Foundation is a national, not-for-profi t organization engaged in social service and human welfare activities. It’s 6 programs have made perceptible change in its areas of operations to the lives of the underprivileged.

Banka BioLoo

Improves access to sanitation products and services in underserved markets, especially rural, by undertaking manufacturing, supplying and installating bio-toilets (or Banka BioLoo’s Eloos) and bio tanks using DRDO’s bio-digester technology. Also provides associated and ancillary services such as waste water treatment and recycling solutions. It can install bio toilets in multiple sites and locations such as high altitudes, village schools, small communities, construction sites, industrial factories or where there are no sewage lines or direct connection to the municipal sewerage systems. To achieve the same, we extensively work with large government agencies and railways and are now expanding our clientele to corporates.

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  1. Rainbow Media Foundation and Trust – RMFT is a not-for-profit organization engaged in social service and humanitarian activities. It’s Learn-ability, Earn-ability and Sustain-ability programs have developed into Alternative Livelihood Programs and given rise to CHANCE TO CHANGE – C2C in its areas of operations to the lives of the underprivileged and youth of destitute.


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