Gartner Sees India Cozying Up to Green Practices in 2014


Indian companies are becoming increasingly conscious of corporate sustainability and are willing to integrate environmental and social concerns into their strategic business plans. They are going beyond viewing CSR as only philanthropy, and adopting green IT and sustainability initiatives into their core business operations.

Gartner, the global information technology research and advisory fi rm, in its recent report called ‘Hype Cycle for Green IT and Sustainability in India 2014’ has stated that India’s spending on green IT and sustainability initiatives will amount to $34 billion in 2014, a jump of over 14 percent from $29.2 billion spent in 2013.

According to Gartner, the IT sector where energy and water costs account for a signifi cant percentage of the operating costs, is stepping up efforts to make the operations more sustainable. Most of the companies have at least one green initiative driven by a motive to reduce operating costs. The use of renewable energy is being increasingly adopted, particularly in the sectors that have a high carbon footprint, such as oil, gas, mining and manufacturing. The report included three new technologies in this year’s Hype Cycle and profi led 36 technologies this year. The new technologies added to this year’s Hype Cycle include smart city frameworks, facilities energy management and green datacenters.

Solar energy technology is one of the biggest movers in this year’s Hype Cycle. State governments in India are increasingly promoting solar energy with policies and incentives designed to attract investments in this area.

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