Waste to Energy: Opportunities and Challenges for Developing and Transition Economies (Green Energy and Technology)


By Avraam Karagiannidis
Springer; 2014

Solid waste management is currently a major issue worldwide with numerous areas reaching critical levels. Many developing countries and countries in transition still miss basic waste management infrastructure and awareness. It is here that many of the solid waste management problems and challenges are currently being faced. As such, wasteto- energy (WTE) consists of a proven and continuously developing spectrum and range of technologies in a number of (mostly) developed countries. However, its integration in developing countries and systems in transition is often faced with skepticism and a complex set of barriers which are quite unique and differ greatly from those where WTE has been validated and applied over the years.

Waste-to-Energy approaches this dynamic aspect of environmental engineering and management in a methodical and detailed manner making it an important resource for SWM planners and facility operators as well as undergraduate and post graduate students and researchers.

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