80 Entries For Last Mile Solutions for Bengaluru Metro

Malleshwaram Sampige Road Metro Station in Bengaluru on Friday.
Malleshwaram Sampige Road Metro Station in Bengaluru on Friday.

80 start-ups have been shortlisted to find last mile connectivity for Bengaluru Metro. The Station Access & Mobility Programme (STAMP) is a joint initiative of World Research Institute, B.Pac, IIM Ahmebadad, Urban Venture Labs and Toyota Mobility Foundation. It is significant that all stakeholders – government, entrepreneurs, public transport operators have put their heads together to find a viable solution.

Ten start-ups will be short-listed among the 80 for a final pitch. Results will be announced sometime in July.

This initiative gains importance because Bengaluru’s first phase of metro is going live in mid June 2017 with 42 kms network. A key success factor to reduce congestion and drive traffic to metro is providing the last mile connectivity.

Bengaluru’s traffic has been a major concern for commuters. It has had a major impact on the health of the citizens.

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