Global Body To Study Case for Businesses to Back SDG

vineet rai

The Global Commission on Business and Sustainable Development is setting out to articulate and quantify the compelling economic case for business to engage in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030

The initiative aims to explore current and future disruptive business models, understanding what they mean for sustainable development; and to map out new fi nancing mechanisms the world will need to reach the SDGs. It will investigate changes in core business operations and behaviors that go far beyond traditional corporate social responsibility and voluntary partnerships.

The UN Foundation, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), the Overseas Development Institute and The B Team are supporting the effort, to help mobilize the business community and the next generation of entrepreneurs, to support achievement of the global goals by 2030.

The Commission was launched at the World Economic Forum in January 2016 and intends to report back with its fi ndings and analysis at WEF 2017. It will be co-Chaired by Mark Malloch-Brown and brings together international leaders from business, labor, fi nancial institutions and civil society.

It will present a comprehensive report in one year’s time, outlining new business and fi nancial models, as well as market opportunities for companies who are invested in sustainable approaches.

The Commission will conduct foundational research, and engage in fact-fi nding dialogue with a diverse cross-section of key stakeholders, including business leaders, investors, civil society representatives, social entrepreneurs and academic experts.

Overseas Development Institute is the UK’s leading independent think tank on international development and humanitarian issues.

The B Team is a not-for-profi t initiative formed by a global group of business leaders to catalyze a better way of doing business, for the wellbeing of people and the planet.

vineet rai

Unilever, The United Nations Foundation and The World Business Council for Sustainable Development.

Vineet Rai, founder, Aavishkaar and Intellecap Group,is one of the commissioners of the Group.

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