How Circulytics Helps Transition to Circular Economy

circular economy

Senior executives have had problems in understanding how exactly the idea of circular economy really work for their organizations. The ones that had some grasp couldn’t maximize the potential this revolutionary business idea offered.

Ellen Macarthur Foundation’s Circulytics is expected to fill this gap. The Foundation developed the Circulytics indicators in collaboration with 13 Global Partners and CE100 member companies, and have been tested by over 30 companies during 2019. “When creating Circulytics, we sought alignment with other circular economy related initiatives, which will be in ‘other tools’ as they become available,” a company note said.

It added that Circulytics supports a company’s transition towards the circular economy, regardless of industry, complexity, and size. Going beyond assessing products and material flows, this company-level measuring tool reveals the extent to which a company has achieved circularity across its entire operations. It does this by using the widest set of indicators currently available: enablers and outcomes. Features include:

  • Measures a company’s entire circularity, not just products and material flows
  • Supports decision making and strategic development for circular economy adoption
  • Demonstrates strengths and highlights the areas for improvement
  • Provides optional transparency to investors and customers about a company’s circular economy adoption
  • Delivers unprecedented clarity about circular economy performance, opening up new opportunities to generate brand value with key stakeholders

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