Responsible Finance India Report 2016: Client First: Tracking Social Performance Practices


Responsible Finance India Report is the sixth annual report that provides an account of developments in responsible finance and social performance in microfinance and financial inclusion in India. The report captures the essence of policy, strategy and practice elements of social/responsible performance of the sector catering to the poor and the excluded. The report analyses the current state of policy and performance of different channels on the globally accepted standards of responsible finance.  It assesses the existing practices and products and also documents the new initiatives to present a holistic analysis of the current state of the sector.

The report also highlights the role of policy including lenders and investors in shaping the agenda of responsible inclusive finance and the need for their proactive role in institutionalizing responsible finance practices. Going beyond assessment of current performance of policy and practice, the report identifies emerging risks to client-centricity and customer protection and suggests action for policy as well as institutions to strengthen the state of responsible finance for the excluded and the poor in India. The focus of the report is on capturing sector-wide trends rather than on
individual performances.

Alok Misra, PhD in Development Studies from Victoria University of Wellington, Master in Development Management (Gold Medalist) from Asian Institute of Management, Manila, is currently Professor, Public Policy and Governance Area at Management Development Institute, Gurgaon.

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