Unilever is world most sustainable brand


Unilever has reaffirmed its leadership position as the world most sustainable brand according to the 2015 Sustainability Leaders report. The report produced by think tank sustainability and research consultancy GlobeScan indicated “Unilever is in the leadership position throughout much of the world, with the leadership margin being the largest in Europe”.

GlobeScan inquired 816 qualified sustainability experts drawn from corporate organizations, governments, non- governmental and other organizations in 82 countries including Africa\ Middle East, Asia, Europe, North America and others in terms of corporate sustainability leadership and Unilever topped the ranking.

“After dominating our corporate sustainability leadership ranking for more than five years, Unilever has further improved its position and is now ahead of competitors by 27% points”. The report revealed.

A major trend reflected in the report is a growing divide among sustainability experts on the relative importance of a clear, well defined statement of corporate values versus a business model that integrate sustainability.

 This year, 26% of experts said that corporate values including the beliefs of the company executives were the most important driver for sustainability.

By comparison, 22% argued that making sustainability part of a core business model was more important.

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