Wockhardt Foundation Wins CSR Award at Asian CSR Leadership Awards


Wockhardt Foundation was awarded the “Best CSR in Healthcare” at the Asian CSR Leadership Awards held in Dubai in September 2013. This Award is given to outstanding organizations that have played a meritorious role in healthcare Development.

Wockhardt Foundation has embarked on a path-breaking ambitious social growth program of providing free, primary healthcare to the rural and remote parts of India through its “Mobile 1000″ initiative. Mobile 1000 operates in 11 states. Beside Mobile 1000, its other program like Bio-Toilet, SHUDHU water purification tablets, The Word Peacekeeper Movements, POSHAK malnutrition supplement and Khel Khel Mein have also started making significant impact.

Wockhardt Foundation is governed by the 3 B’s – BIG, BEST, and BOLD. BIG is to implement program which have national scale, BEST is its program must measure up to the highest levels of quality implementation, and BOLD is to operate its social development program where the need and poverty is the most.

It is a nation-wide team of more than 350 rapidly growing who are rendering full-time service to the Foundation that translates the motto of “where every smile counts” into reality.

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