World Earth Day Fest in Bengaluru


Recommerce is organizing a festival of innovations in eco-friendly products this World Earth Day on April 22, 2023. The two-day exhibition promises to be a treat with a range of exciting activities and entertainment. Ecopreneur talks will be a key highlight where industry experts will share their knowledge and insights on sustainability and eco-friendly practices. Get inspired by their stories and learn about the latest innovations that are making a positive impact on the environment.

Support Green Journalism


SustainabilityNext crossed its 100th Edition in October 2022. Since April 2013, every month, SN has been publishing action-oriented green entrepreneurial stories, sharp interviews with change leaders and incisive book reviews. We wish to make it a fortnightly shortly.

SN Youth, launched in June 2021, is turning into a platform for the youth to share their green journey and inspire others.  

SN launched India’s first Green Literature Festival in July 2021 to celebrate and grow environmental writing and reading among the youth, executives and entrepreneurs.

You will agree that only awareness is not enough. The world today needs action NOW to save itself. Support our efforts to drive climate action by reaching a million readers by December 2023.


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