World’s most sustainable office building opens in Amsterdam


A cutting-edge new office building has officially opened in Amsterdam’s Zuidas. The Edge was named the world’s most sustainable office building by the Building Research Establishment (BRE), the world authority on building sustainability. The title formerly belonged to One Embankment Place in London.

The Amsterdam building was developed by OVG Real Estate. The principle occupant of the 40.000 m2 building is global professional services provider Deloitte. Other notable companies leasing space in the building are AKD, Salesforce, Henkel, Sandvik and Edelman.

The Edge is designed not only to be incredibly environmentally friendly, but also to foster the comfort and well-being of workers and the surrounding public.

The Edge collects and recycles rainwater and is energy-neutral – heated by a thermal aquifer and powered by solar energy. Its walls are heavily insulated to preserve heat, and it is oriented so as to maximise the amount of daylight that penetrates during working hours.

Via new technology from Philips which links LED lighting to Ethernet, workers can use a phone app to control the temperature and lighting in their own workspaces. This system not only reduces energy usage; it also helps the building managers monitor overall efficiency.

Its parking lots are open to the public after working hours. The building also features an ecological corridor for use by local bat and bird populations.

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