WELCOME ABOARD – Pradeep Kashyap


The SustainablityNext e-magazine team is delighted that Mr. Pradeep Kashyap, Founder & CEO, MART, has agreed to join its Editorial Board. Late C K Prahalad called Mr. Kashyap the ‘Father of Rural Marketing’. Today, he is on a mission to drive the idea of sustainable business model among Indian businesses, both for new and established firms, as an imperative for long-term profits and positive social and climate impact.


With his joining, the Editorial Board has three champions. Madan Padaki has been championing and demonstrating
how employability training of the poor, both rural and urban, can accomplish both diversity and sustainable goals
profitably. He is one of India’s most successful social entrepreneurs.

vasanthiProf. Vasanthi Srinivasan has been a vociferous advocate of raising the bar of ethics and governance standards in Indian organizations and the government. She tries to drill these values among her students at IIM Bangalore year after year.

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