Project Tuymai Validates SANITECH Tool


SANITECH is a pre-feasibility technology-choice decision-support tool. It has been validated in Warangal and through Project Tuymai. It is a part of the FSM Toolbox (, which is a one-stop knowledge and resource platform for Fecal Sludge Management projects, developed by the Asian Institute of Technology, CEPT University and CSTEP.

Users can:

  • View the sanitation situation in a city through a GIS-enabled interactive user interface
  • Assess various technology options in sanitation in specific contexts
  • Compare a portfolio of context-appropriate technology choices across the sanitation value chain
  • Design context-appropriate systems from a repository of technology options
  • Take various actions and examine their impact on the performance of specific indicators
  • Build and compare scenarios on decision-support indicators.

Fecal Sludge Management (FSM) is a dirty business! But, this business is now becoming a priority agenda for national and local governments, investors and communities. While investments are flowing for FSM projects, challenges remain for initiating and implementing successfully planned and executed projects. Behind the shortcomings lie bottlenecks like knowledge gaps, procedures, professionals and most essentially, tools for a successful design and implementation. So, rely on our principal A-Z source for planning and execution of FSM-smart projects.

FSM Toolbox Training

CSTEP conducts capacity building activities to train users in effectively applying the AIT FSM Toolbox for their projects. A brief workshop can be conducted for users, either in person or through Skype. CSTEP can also provide handholding support if and when needed.


Technology Options for the Sanitation Value Chain: A comprehensive compendium of sanitation technologies, across the sanitation value chain, which provides readers information on the features, design, operation, cost, etc. of these technologies.

Sanitation Tool Compendium: A compendium of sanitation tools which aims to list all accessible and relevant tools in the sanitation sector, with focus on tools that take FSM into consideration. Factsheets, which cover the objectives, descriptions, advantages, limitations and details of the tool, have been developed for each of these tools.

Source: CSTEP’s Sci-Tech News April 2017


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